International Sport Network Organization
Network in sports
International Sport Network Organization (ISNO) is a no profit organization composed by organizations, based in Switzerland aiming to assist its member around the world.
The categories of the member are:
International Member
Continental Member
National Member
Club / Local Member

Our aims
The aims of the organization are:
NETWORK ORGANIZATION: To help members to reach their goal, to manage their organization giving assistance (Management, consultancy, insurance, general services, administrations and consultancy to reach national and international recognition) creating a network through the members in order to help each other;
ISNO GLOBAL GAMES: To organize the ISNO Global Games
SPORT FOR ALL: To organize Sport for All wellness and physical activity globally, to organize and Develop sports events, training sections for International or National Federations
ANTIDOPING: to support anti-doping programme of the member under WADA thanks to the WHEA partnership ( All competitors attending to your events must be World Heavy Events Association members with signed anti-doping contract minimum of 3 months prior the event. With the anti-doping contract the athlete commits to our anti-doping program, which is following WADA´s Code and other rules. Via the anti-doping contract the athlete is available for doping testing 24/7 without prior notice in training season as well in competitions.
TRAINING PROVIDER: to certify coaches and develop high value training courses in sport fields under ISO as an Sport Academy, having all the recognition worldwide, helping member to have the highest recognition for their certification programs.
SERVICE AS EUROPEAN FEDERATION: member can delegate ISNO to be their European and continental federation.
General Association of World Sports Federations
The General Association of World Sports Federations (GAWSF) is a non-profit international sports organisation that serves as an umbrella organisation for numerous international, continental, and national sports federations and organisations. It was incorporated on November 20, 2014, in Macau as an international organisation with legal personality and received approval from SportAccord (later changed to GAISF) to use the name SportAccord Asia-Pacific Headquarters, which was changed to General Association of World Sports Federations (GAWSF), after GAISF was dissolved in November 2022, to follow the aim and purposes of the GAISF and to serve and contribute to World sports development.
Currently, GAWSF has more than 370 international, continental, and national member federations and has signed cooperation agreements with many international organisations that are now partners of GAWSF. The GAWSF has established representative offices in China, Hungary, Italy, Kuwait, Korea, Thailand, Philippines, Hong Kong, and Macau, and its activities cover the world, including sports games, competitions, trainings, forums, and more. The primary aim of GAWSF is to promote and develop sports and sports activities, sports industries and education on a global scale.
International Sport For All Federation
International Sport for All Federation is an official organization recognized by the IOC (International Olympic Committee) developing sport for all with the national members. The aim of the Federation Internationale du Sport pour Tous, International Sport for All Federation, is to promote “Sport for All” and to establish contact between the organizations and persons concerned. The federation is apolitical, a religious and no for profit making. It is the ambition of Federation Internationale du Sport pour Tous, International Sport for All Federation to be an action oriented and a consultative organization, encouraging international exchanges in “Sport for All” as a factor of self-fulfillment and a means of bringing people and nations together in mutual understanding.

“One man can be a crucial ingredient on a team, but one man cannot make a team. ”